ancient cities and landmarks

The City of Gilgal

Edward S. Weaver

   Gilgal is on the outskirts of the land area associated with Jericho. Gilgal is directly East of Jericho. Gilgal is in front of Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim. Gilgal must be near to a city or place called Debir, a valley called Achor, and a major roadway called the ascent of Adummim. Gilgal is in the land area of the tribe of Benjamin.

   The twelve stones of witness were deposited in Gilgal. After he set them up, he coated them with limestone slurry and wrote on them the Law of God. This Law was a testimony and an archival document that is meant to be a witness to future generations. There is no record of the destruction of these 12 stones. When we find Gilgal we will find the 12 stones. The Law written on these stones will be in the original language without flaw and without addition or loss. No longer will the 'experts' be able to scoff at God's people and speak of the gradual evolution of their religious myths.

Last updated 7/98


City, or City Dump?

Edward S. Weaver

   Within the last 150 years Christian Archeologists have desperately sought out physical evidence to support the Biblical Scriptures. Some have the underlying belief that we must prove at any cost that the Bible is true and that our God is a God who intervenes in mankind's history. This urgent need to justify their belief has led to some bizarre conclusions which in themselves give evidence and ammunition to their enemies who say "that God exaggerated by filling the Bible with well intentioned myths--if He exists at all." Now is the time to correct one of those errors that were made by well-intentioned men. Jericho as described in the Bible is a mighty fortress and commercial center. This Article is designed to prove that Tell es Sultan was never a significant city-certainly not Jericho. This Article is written to encourage those whom God has chosen to search out and discover the true city which hides in the dust as a testimony of the majesty of our God. This Article will appear as a Chapter in the forthcoming book "Misplaced City."

Last updated 7/98


Ebal and Gerizim

Edward S. Weaver

   If you look in any Bible Atlas you will find Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim many miles North of Jerusalem on the 'water parting line' of the Ephraim Hill Country. Between them lies the city of Shechem. As a listener of Bible stories I was told that after the conquest of Jericho and Ai all the people went to these two mountains and had a religious ceremony. It was between these two mountains where they placed the ark of the covenant and the tabernacle for the blessing and the curse.

   This sounded reasonable until I looked at an atlas. If everyone left their flocks, herds, and household goods back at Gilgal, then this was a severely stupid action on their part. It would take at least a day of hard walking to arrive at these mountains, without fighting a single city (even though they would have to pass by many on their journey), then the return home would be fraught with dangers (also taking a day). No one was excluded from this ceremony, they all were commanded to participate. They were not attacked, nor did they lose any of their belongings during these two days. The simple explanation is that these mountains were within the Plains of Jericho, near Gilgal, and Israel didn't have to travel anywhere. Shechem was built by Jereboam in the Ephraim Hill Country some 400 or 500 years later and they renamed the adjacent mountains to sound like the old site in the Arabah at Gilgal. On the original Mount Ebal are the 12 stones with the Law of God written on them.

Last updated 7/98


Jericho is not Tell-es-Sultan

Edward S. Weaver

   There is no evidence of a town [Gilgal] large enough to serve as a base of operations for the tribes of Israel which is East of Tell es Sultan. Tell es Sultan is not ten furlongs West of a city called Gilgal. Tell es Sultan is not sixty furlongs from the ford at the Jordan River. Tell es Sultan stood on it's own mound. It is in fact a composite dirt mound that rises without a secure surrounding wall of stone. It always was a dirt mound subject to erosion from wind and rain. Tell es Sultan never had adequate protection from enemy attack, let alone superior defenses.
   This is not the City of Jericho so carefully described in Scripture.

Last updated 7/98 _______


Israel's ford through the Red Sea

(The true Red Sea crossing site)

Edward S. Weaver

   As a child I learned about the children of Israel leaving Egypt and walking across the Red Sea on dry ground. The God who had created the Earth had come to their aid. When I was in High School I was told that the children of Israel crossed the Reed Sea and that it was a narrow marshy swampy strip of land in Northern Egypt. God still helped them, but He was diminished by the physical laws of science which He had created. Years later I read that Israel never crossed the Red Sea or the Reed Sea, but was merely a group of Canaanite shepherds who decided to build cities and create a history. Now some history experts want us to believe that a clever man, probably during the reign of David or Solomon, invented Israel's history up until that time of 1000BC.

   When you and I object and remind them of the awesome actions of God recorded in scripture that were written as a record of our God and His care for us, they ask "Where are the chariots of Pharaoh on the shore of the Red Sea or the Reed Sea"? They ask us "Where are the Egyptian records of Joseph and Israel and the Exodus"? And we stand silent, because we have not believed the scriptures. We have not used them to locate the true site of the crossing of the Red Sea. We have not, because we did not follow the map that God gave us. God will vindicate His name and the Bible will be proven to be true by the many physical witnesses He has given us. It is time for the Bible Atlases to show the true path of the Exodus and the true sites of the ancient cities. Then we will be able to read our Bibles with Atlas in hand and see the evidence of God's power and love.


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